Dissemination Conference of Profound To Present Further Cooperations

The last Annual Practitioners Forum of the DARENet (Danube River Region Resilience Exchange network) project and the Dissemination Conference of PROFOUND (Procedures of Rescue Organizations in Flood Operations Unified in the Danube Region) project with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5) Disaster Management Working …

Next planning meeting to check exercise locations near Dunaújváros

2nd Planning meeting | Dunaújváros According to the regional risk analyses, simultaneous flood on both river Danube and Tisa is a worst-case scenario, as it would need to mobilize response assets on a never-seen scale. Profound exercise aims to simulate such a situation. Planning of Profound Exercise continues with visit …

Online kick-off meeting to introduce partners to DG ECHO

The work began with the presentation of the main objectives of Profound project to DG ECHO’s Project Officer. Kinga Perge, the project coordinator from Budapest Firefighter Association introduced all participating partners, the planned roadmap and components of the full-scale field exercise (scenario, planning, national and international parties, communication, evaluation and …